Friday, February 26, 2010

Pashan Lake Visit

Date: 27 Feb'10

Time: 7.15 am to 8.00 am

In the following picture, there is a mixed population of grey herons and egrets. I am doubtful abt the heron at the topmost branches of the tree. Can u please id it for me? Seems to be a grey heron juveline/immature, but the black cap is not evident.

Bird List:

1. Grey heron

2. Painted Stork

3. Open billed stork

4. White necked stork

5. Little cormorants

6. Intermediate Egret

7. Little Egret

8. Pond herons

9. River Terns

10. Ruddy shelduck

11. Nakta

12. Shoveller

13. Spotbill

14. Coot

15. Sandpipers common

16. Red wattled lapwings

17. Black Drongo

18. Dabchicks

19. White Brested Kingfisher

20. Common Myna

21. Black Kite

22. House crow

23. Jungle crow

24. Black winged stilts


1. Checkered Killback

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Yesterday I alone went to bird trip...kind of bird race...a miniature form. the route was pune-khadakwasla-sinhgad-panshet-rajgad-baneshwar-pune.

Got to see amazing terrain and high contrast nature art! :-) It was total of 180 kms and i enjoyed the ride! I recommend that ppl shd try this! But be alone to explore nature!

Following is the bird list:

Khadakwasla Area:

1. Common Pochard

2. Spotbills

3. Coots

4. Little Egret

5. Intermediate Egret

6. Indian Robin

7. Magpie Robin

8. Dabchicks

9. Laughing Doves

10. Common Myna

11. Little Cormorants

12. Sandpipers

13. Black Drongo

14. Red Vented Bulbul

15. Pond Herons

16. Red Wattled Lapwings

17. White Breasted moorhen

18. Northern Shoveller

19. Pintails

20. Garganey

Panshet Area:

1. Pond Herons

2. Asian Koel

3. House Crow

4. Straited Swallows

5. Black Shouldered Kite

6. Magpie Robin

7. Indian Robin

8. Pied Bhushchat

9. Red wattled lapwing

10. Rock Pigeon

11. Purple Sunbirds

12. Great Tit

13. Green Bee Eaters

14. Long tailed shrike

15. Bay backed shrikes

16. Common Myna

Way To Rajgad and Rajgad-Baneshwar:

1. Green Bee Eaters

2. Short Toed Snake Eagle

3. Unknown Eagle

4. Creasted Serpent Eagle

5. Black Shouldered Kite

6. Indian Roller

7. Malabar Crested Lark?

8. Bay Backed Shrike

9. Common Stonechat

Two birds are unidentified will check them and correct the list.