Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Golden Shower Tree

Cassia fistula. Popularly known as "Golden Shower Tree". "बहावा" in Marathi Language. Its from family: Fabaceae. And its native of south Asia. (I like it when they call it native!! :-)
 Details: 1/800s, f/4.0, ISO 100 and lens: 45.0 mm equivalent. Caught today morning...I repeat its a native! :-))

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Situation Update

I am worried about the condition of Kawadi wetlands. These wetlands are getting converted into wastelands. For getting this photo I crawled some distance and found some interesting stuff lying around me for example cow dung, plastic bags, wasted food, cloths etc. (the list is huge)! This photo clearly shows the scattered garbage on the shore. The water is so dirty and stinky. Tell me why, these beautiful birds from beautiful and relatively clean places come to our place? Because they have nowhere to go...and its disturbing!

Symbol of Love

Caught a pair of ruddy shelducks, popularly known as "Brahminy shelducks" in India. These beautiful birds migrate from Himalayas to the central and south India during winter. In Hindu literature, Brahminy ducks are portrayed as the symbol of love. I tried to capture this symbol of love, as i am currently unable to capture it in any other form ;-); these beauties were too far, so I used digital zoom, just to get them full frame. (Digital zoom may result in noisy images (if light conditions are not appropriate!). I was lucky enough to get a good image!
Details: 1/320s, f/4.5, ISO 100, 30x digital! :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Jacaranda is a african tree introduced to India. The blooming period start with the start of summer. These flowers look awesome during day light. This photo was captured in the morning around 8.00 am. Light was nice hence I could use shutter speed appropriately. Flowers were on a upper branch, so I used normal mode (not macro) with 1/640s, f/3.5 at ISO 200. focal length was 31.8mm equivalent.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Recent Bird Trip at Kawadi_21 March'10

Surprisingly we could not see Common coots, River Terns and Green Bee Eaters!! Where Did they Go? For complete bird list approach me at

Friday, March 12, 2010

House Crow

    Full Frame House crow (No catch light though!)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Morning Time is for cleaning and getting ready for a good day cause...isn't it?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bird Trip_Mulashi & a Bit of Lavasa

Date: 28 Feb'10 (On the way we realised that its the science day!!)

Time: 7.00 am to 2.00 pm

Route: Pune- Pashan lake- Bhukum- Mulashi-Pune

There is wonder in woods and aimless paths....

Bird List:
1.Open billed storks
2. Jungle Myna
3. Common Myna
4. Common Crow
5. Jungle Crow

6. Asian Koel
7. White Breasted Kingfisher
8. Purple Sunbird
9. Ashy Prinia
10. Long tailed shrike

See the way they have organized to work hard 
11. Shikra
12. Common Kestrel
13. Spotbills
14. Red vented bulbuls
15. common bushchat
16. indian robin
17. magpie robin
18. Keer parakeet
19. Owlet (Dark?!)
20. Golden Oriole
21. Large grey babbler
22. River Terns
23. Little Cormorants
24. Wire tailed swallow

25. Cattle egrets
26. common sparrow