Friday, January 15, 2010

Report Photos

Recently, I participated in a photography exhibition and got to see a variety of photos, by various photographers. The exhibition included all kind of photography, abstract, landscape, portrait, wildlife etc.

Some of the photographs were really awesome to comment on, perfect timing and freeze frame!

When you look at a picture it should amaze you either by its content or by its technical excellence. it doesn't matter whether it is edited or not!!

The only thing which I learned in this exhibition is that "it doesn't matter what camera you possess, the only thing which matters, is the perspective of the camera man, and the implementation of it which reaches to audience through his images!!"

I got to see a lot of excellent wildlife photographs. Greater Flamingos in flight, standing in the still water, spotbill mother with chicks, purple sky landscapes, and lot of portraits! These are not so different kind of compositions. These are common, people look at them as if they are reporting something, I mean...see, there is a flamingo, there is this spotbill etc. etc. The report photographs are essentially telling something, if whatever they are telling is uncommon/ weird, then it might make a good composition. All the above mentioned compositions are good, no doubt! But photographically, something unusual makes the news! Like the orchid which I have given here as an example, and look at the snake below, even it is a risky task to capture the hood of the cobra, the orchid composition is interesting than the cobra one, both are equally good though!! :-)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


First Assignment
Human faces are one of those most interesting subjects to capture. Human faces represent a plethora of emotions and expressions. This might be because we understand those emotions even when we ourselves are not expressing them!

This unique quality makes human faces pictures interesting. While capturing such faces from different parts of my beautiful country, I have came to know the journey of life behind each face I have captured.

I prefer to take natural shots, without prior permission of the model! I do not use flash, as I hate it; or more precisely I can not use it finely! In my opinion flash makes the shot artificial. Although in indoor conditions, u need to use flash, because of low light situation.

Second Assignment
Faces are not unique to humans. Other animals, Buildings, structures do also possess them. That's what I came to know when I started capturing faces for my second assignment. I started capturing faces of birds, animals, and big-tall structures. It was interesting to get the insight of the whole organism by just looking at its face!

Friday, January 1, 2010


I really don't get the meaning of abstract! It is really so abstract to define a abstract art or concept or theory or to greater!!

Well...abstract might not seems to be totally ununderstandable concept! The way people deliver it may be ununderstandable! Abstract is basically an uncommon, improbable thing which might have happened during the course of imagination! This definition is a self made definition, and may not apply to all cases of abstractness.

Most of the photographers distort their images or they take their shots in an unusual angle or in an unusual positions to get a basic abstract shot, and then manipulate the images by using different softwares to enhance the abstractness of the image. Softwares are basically used for getting abstract looking, so to say meaningless pictures!

Sometimes, these pictures possess heavenly beautiful expressions and most of the times, they represent the saddest part of art. Simple images can be made abstract...the only thing to keep in mind is why and how to make it abstract?