Friday, January 1, 2010


I really don't get the meaning of abstract! It is really so abstract to define a abstract art or concept or theory or to greater!!

Well...abstract might not seems to be totally ununderstandable concept! The way people deliver it may be ununderstandable! Abstract is basically an uncommon, improbable thing which might have happened during the course of imagination! This definition is a self made definition, and may not apply to all cases of abstractness.

Most of the photographers distort their images or they take their shots in an unusual angle or in an unusual positions to get a basic abstract shot, and then manipulate the images by using different softwares to enhance the abstractness of the image. Softwares are basically used for getting abstract looking, so to say meaningless pictures!

Sometimes, these pictures possess heavenly beautiful expressions and most of the times, they represent the saddest part of art. Simple images can be made abstract...the only thing to keep in mind is why and how to make it abstract?

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