Monday, April 5, 2010

A Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was a lazy Sunday for me. I woke up a little late (7.30 a.m.)! I looked in the mirror, my eyes were red and there was a significant irritation; I ignored it saying that it just might be the incomplete dream which passed away like a running train (passing slowly, making lot of noise). I prepared my usual gears and went to a canteen nearby to have a tea. The place was crowded with people went out for exploring their respective Sundays. I took a tea and went inside a small jungle like area nearby. I could not found anything impressive except the silence; the tall and huge trees were in process to create and a random pattern of light and shadows that was spread throughout the place. It is this feeling of loneliness and at the same time being surrounded by so many serious personals that cannot be photographed or written. There is no music, no clutter, no shouting, no computer beeps, not a single thought.

I sat cross-legged and started thinking of the random pattern of shadows and light inside me, and about my relatedness with the nature of this place…

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